In times of old and through the years so vast, Fathers have stood, a plinth that’s built to last. With wisdom deep and courage ever true, They shape the world and guide their children’s view. With justice fair and hands both strong and kind, They guard the home, with every heart aligned. In virtues high, their legacy they weave, A tapestry of life that we believe. They teach us strength, resilience through the strife, With grit and grace, they navigate this life. In every struggle, fathers lead the way, Instilling hope and courage day by day. Their role as husbands, faithful, strong, and dear,
They show us love, unwavering and clear. Attentive, kind, and always standing by, A pillar strong, beneath the family sky. In nurturing, they craft a home so bright, Where dreams take flight and hearts are filled with light. Expecting high, yet guiding with a care, They forge a path through life’s unyielding snare. With moderation, balance, every part, They build a world with love, from heart to heart. Safe in their care, we find our strength and more, A steadfast guide through life’s uncertain door. With shoulders broad, you bear the burdens strong, In stoic grace, you carry us along. Without complaint, in duty’s noble quest, You serve with joy, by virtue manifest. No grumbling heard, you walk the path of right, In every act, you bring the day to light. With hearts so true, in service you delight, In every role, you stand, a guiding light. With every step, you earn the life you live, In every deed, your love and strength you give. To fathers dear, our gratitude we show, For all you teach and all the love you sow. Oh, dad so dear, in honor we commend, Your steadfast love, your virtues without end. In gratitude, we cherish all you do, For all you are and how you lead us through. Oh, papa kind, your strength and love we prize, With every act, you light up our skies. In heartfelt thanks, we honor every part, For all you give and how you lead with heart. Your presence forms the bedrock of our lives, A plinth on which our civilization thrives. Through every age, your legacy will stand, A beacon bright, a guiding, loving hand. Comments are closed.
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